Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First enrty of many to come!

Hello and welcome to my stitching extravaganza!

Upon hours and time spent on the interwebs searching for fun cross stitch sites (and being disappointed) I just decided to make my own. There are many out there but they seem a little too granny-ish and blah for my tastes. I like fun, whimsical and out of the ordinary. Nothing boring for me!

Lets get acquainted! Here's a little bit about myself:
I have been cross stitching for over 16 years. I also do embroidery, appliqué, and sewing. I also love to make stuffed monsters. In case you are interested, I have an Esty shop full of them.
So feel free to check it out!
My mom taught me everything I know about the ways of the needle and thread. And I own a lot of her old supplies and books and such too. I have a whole storage container of just cross stitch stuff. Then a different one for all my sewing supplies and on top of that a box full of felt and supplies for my craft shop!
What I love most about my hobby is that it's DIRT CHEAP!

I plan to make this blog a good resource for others for I will have loads of links and photos and tips. I also appreciate comments or questions or just plain chatting. So don't be shy, I don't bite, hard.

Love, Luck and Lollipops!

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