Friday, March 26, 2010


Heart with bats wings! One of my very first designs, ever.
I stitched it on a canvas messenger bag that I have.
Stitching on canvas sucks! Plain and simple.
I've had to start and stop several times but my poor index and thumb hurt, from all the yanking the needle through all that thick fabric.

I saw a cute little birdie in a coloring book and I knew that I had to stitch it up! I think he turned out pretty good.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That little bird is awesome! I'm excited to start stitching up some stuff for my sister in law... She's having her first baby & loves Winnie the Pooh... Your stitches are all so nice & tidy! I'm hoping someday mine will look as nice. ^-^ Have an awesome day!
