I made some spats! These puppies are WARM!
I followed a tutorial from the Craftster forums, and I fell in love with them. They are VERY easy to make.
I love fall for the sheer fact that you can wear layers and not be hot and not be cold.
I like summer but it's too warm where I live and I hate winter because it gets too cold where I live and I don't like being cold in general.
I love the look of the unbuttoned style.
And don't you dare call these legwarmers! I HATE legwarms, I hated them when they were first in style, and I still hate them now.
These beauties really are legwarmers (reching noise) but they are different enough to be in their own category. :) Besides, spats is a really fun word to say.
This photo is a little grainy because I took that picture of them in an old mirror.
It's really not that easy to take good right side up photos of your feet. >.>
I can't wait to wear these out!! Yay!
Spats! They are really cute. I like the unbuttoned style better than the buttoned. )