Friday, October 15, 2010
Here are a few random things that are too small to have posts of their own, or maybe I just wanted to jumble them all together to save time for myself. Who knows...
A while ago I started making wallets and I took some pictures when I added fake buttons since I used the type of snaps that you sew in. I have too much trouble with the ones you use a hammer with.
I'm continuously making things to hang in my kitchen that are cupcake and coffee themed.
I took a cupcake design that is on my hand towels and made it into an embroidery.
I added the "sparks" for added color because my towels are a bright blue.
I try to use the same fabric with all the embroidery to kinda have it all fit together.
This is an action shot for an apron that I made for my friend that got married two months ago.
She LOVED it!
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