Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Odds and Ends

I finally made my corset embroidery into a pin chusion.

Here is that only mouse that I will EVER let in my kitchen.
He looks so happy on his little tower of tea cups.

I've been doing a lot of satin stitching lately and I was a little burned out, or rather my poor little hand!

But I couldn't resist! This really didn't take me that long to do.
I love how colorful it is.


  1. This is just BEAUTIFUL!!! LOVE the stack of cups!!!

    ;-D robelyn

  2. Thank you! :D But I can't take credit for the design though (I wish I could). it's from Urban Threads. And I realized that I misspelled the tag. ::facepalm::
    I still have yet to frame the sucker... :/
