Thursday, October 9, 2008

"Stretch" Bookmark

I have seen so many people stitch this design. It is a beautiful design that TWDesignsworks had up for a freebie a long time ago, sadly it's no longer up. :(
She has a lot of beautiful pieces that I want. I love how she mixes two different colored strands to get rich detail.

I made mine into a bookmark, a rather large and bulky bookmark. But I love it anyway. I used powdered blue 14 count aida (hence the bulkiness of it) and used dark purple felt for backing. I remember starting this and then putting it down for 4 years and then picking it back up again. Again, I'm really bad at that. This was early on in my X stitching venture so I got annoyed with it because it was a more difficult piece that I have done.


wendy said...

it's lovely! i never did get to grab up that freebie :-(

Nosnin said...

You still can. It's still up on the TWDesignworks website.